Entitled Echo Chamber, the Public Programs of the 22nd Biennial Sesc_Videobrasil were conceived as a space for the reverberation and amplification of ideas, conversations and propositions on themes and issues triggered by the exhibition. As a discursive beginning of the exhibition, the events will bring together artists, critics, curators, filmmakers, poets, researchers, scholars and theorists, Brazilians and foreigners, meetings focused on some aspect of the curatorial theme of the biennial Memory is an Editing Station. The Public Programs are organized around three axes: in the Biennial’s opening week, the Meetings with participating artists and curators, in talks about the Biennial's major themes. In the extended program, which runs through February 2024, artists, curators and researchers revisit the Videobrasil Collection and the production from the Global South to propose new perspectives.
Photo: ©Videobrasil Archive / Pedro N. Prata